A banded stretch for the Hips

Our Hips, what a fantastic joint that keeps us going! However, when they start to get tight….. What can you do when that moment of tightness happens?

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint that is the point of articulation between the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the pelvis. It also has an important role in connecting the lower extremities with the axial skeleton and thus having a major role, and also an interesting role in which it may manipulate such areas like the knees and the low back.

Lately, the blog post has been focusing on the hips with stretches and mobility tips in which we can help influence our hips.

Like this exercise, give it a go if you want to help mobilise your hip.

If this exercise has helped have you tried some of these other exercises, by clicking the “learn more” button below.

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This isn’t medical advice and if are experiencing pain in the hip maybe its time to go see someone about it.