Thoracic spine adjustments

Adjustments - love them or hate them, they are present in everyday practice. They have been known to help people on a regular basis. Can they be what your treatment is needing though?

Let us talk about a thoracic spine adjustment also known as a thoracic spine manipulation (TSM),

There is currently sufficient evidence to support the use of TSM for the management of neck conditions for short-term outcomes (Walser, Meserve and Boucher 2009). Although there was limited research at that time that suggesting the long term effects. This short term effect has also been supported in later research also (Masaracchio., et al. 2019). So next time you are thinking about that neck issue, this is something that might be considered in your treatment plan from your practitioner?

Masaracchio, M., Kirker, K., States, R., Hanney, W, J., Liu, X., Kolber, M. (2019). Thoracic spine manipulation for the management of mechanical neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLos; 14(2): Retrieved from

Walser, R, F., Meserve, B, B., and Boucher, T, R. (2009). The Effectiveness of Thoracic Spine Manipulation for the Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. The Journal of Manipulative therapy; 17(4): 237–246. Retrieved from